Sometimes i am very dissapointed. Today i got cover from Saudi Arabia, iside was only this ad sheet from magazine. I got this cover in return for mine. Sender promised to send to me banknotes and used stamps, because i have sent to him cover,
2 banknotes, used olympic stamps and minisheet. He wanted to get more and more next times, FDC-s and banknotes and mint stamps. And in return
he promised same things. And now you can see, what i have got in return :D So be carefull when you agree to swap with somebody. I am very sad, because i really try to do my best to make my swap partner smile....
EDIT: after this post he writed to my blog this " Oops, Kristina this is not fair, you told me to send Banknotes and used stamps , when that time my cover was already sent to you. "
If you see, then this cover was sent on 3 february. My cover was sent on 26. january after we made agreement about things we will swap. So.. i dont want any lies anymore from him.